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D.Pharm 1st Year Books PDF

D.Pharm 1st Year Books

The word pharmacy is derived from the word “Pharma“. This word had first been used in the 15th-17th century.
“Pharmacy is the branch of health sciences that deals with the preparation and dispensing of drugs. Its aim is to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs”.
Pharmacists are the experts and health professionals who have done their studies in medicines. They can use their knowledge of medicines for the benefit of patients.
The pharmacy field can primarily be divided into three disciplines:
  • Pharmaceutics
  • Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacognosy
  • Pharmacy Practice
As per the World Health Organization (WHO), there are approximately 2.6 million pharmacists and other pharmaceutical personnel all over the world.

Download D.pharm 1st-yearbooks. We have the largest collections of D.pharm books according to the syllabus provided by PCI. Download d.pharm books in pdf version.

List of Books for D.Pharm 1st Year

1. Pharmaceutics: Dispensing Pharmacy by RM Mehta Book PDF Download

2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I


Link 2: Click to download

2. Pharmacognosy By CK Kokate

Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology

Human Anatomy & Physiology